Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Sour and the Sweet

It's not growing up that hurts, it's losing the connections you had when you were young that burn the very core of your understanding, and perspective of the world, requiring you to mature to an absurd and sometimes unhappy level.

I wish I were ignorant to the facts.


The gloom and gold has subsided.
She wiped her hair from her eyes.
A simple exchange of blood and dye.
A scissor cut to your paper burn.
As the daisies will have you for breakfast.
I want to run into someone like a wall of gum.
Stuck, unhindered in my pretense for adoration.
For only one person to understand these words.
Where do my intellect-seeking inhibitions end?
It must be easy for some who are blind.
For it to seem like what I say does not matter.
The blind cannot see the words, simply feel the bumps.
I'll cut that part out lobotomy style.
So that the next may have me ignorant and blissful.
Analytical behavior stand for a curse as much as an upper hand.
Only actions may explain it's wrath.


Sep 22, 2008

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