Sunday, September 18, 2011

A Smile on Something New

A smile on something new... So much time had passed. But I knew these times were coming. The times when you explode from your center and jump into life. Ride in cars with your windows down and take in the scenery and breathe in the air. The time when you shed your insecurities and go forth. And all of the perfect people are there to do this with. Every wheel is in place. Every cog on balance. It's like clockwork. Not so far away are those moments where new pictures breath life into my memories. What has happened was only the primer for what will become, and for a new roller coaster of growth and loss. I am breathing in, and exhaling. Taking my every a possible moment to enjoy, learn, and live. Now is the time to foster knowledge, to achieve the dreams your are on the path to achieving. I take a glance at the steps preceding the ones I am standing on. I laugh every time a thought lies on what it took to get here. Whats funnier is the time. Who knew where it went. It dissipated like lens flares in sunset camera-work. The sun shines on the moments now. It's all an adventure. Like having a full tank of gas and driving where your finger falls on the map. Always some new mistake to laugh at; always another film to go and see. More memories. Better relationships. More money. Less fighting. More production. Soft kisses. Cool weather. Everything in the world is already there. It was never there to achieve, just to be. The fun of it all is just to get to it. To truly surpass yourself. To go beyond what you had thought you were made of. To seek beneath the level and out of the box. To truly commit to a place of being, and forgiving the misgivings. It's life. It's that one little thing. That one thing that says, "This is it, this is you, you have to run. You have to chase it. GO!!" You have to chase it. It's yours.

Sep 5, 2005

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